
Invasive Species 17 items

Introduced species that cause harm to ecosystems, economies, or human health represent a serious threat in Florida and around the world. One example of such a ...
Discusses the common causes, and some solutions, of oak tree maladies and death in Florida
Describes the biology, management and prevention (with supplementing pictures) of fungi in the genus Coleosporium, responsible for needle rusts.
Cogongrass has become a major problem for landowners, land managers, foresters, and governmental agencies since its introduction into the southeast.
Several strategies that can be employed to eradicate kudzu include herbicides, prescribed burning, mowing, and livestock grazing.
The cut-and-leave method is an effective means of controlling small remote spots (10 to 50 infested trees) that cannot be salvaged.
This handbook describes currently recommended direct control practices. These measures will minimize timber losses during outbreak periods.
The first line of defense against an alien plant takeover is a constant surveillance for new arrivals. Early detection and treatment will minimize efforts and ...
Trees species brought into an area where they did not ecologically develop or where they are not considered "native," are exotic trees. Many exotic trees are ...
This report summarizes current guidelines for controlling kudzu with herbicides. It is based on research conducted by Dr. Jim Miller, a research forester for ...
The mistletoes are serious disease agents affecting forests in all three countries represented by the North``American Forestry Commission (NAFC 2002): ...
This page includes links to all our resources specific to individual invasive species.
Most of the aquatic and wetland plants sold by the industry never become problems. However, a few have proven to be highly invasive and have caused significant ...
Weeds Gone Wild: Alien Plant Invaders of Natural Areas is a web-based project of the Plant Conservation Alliance's Alien Plant Working Group, that provides ...
This publication explains the economic and biological consequences of zebra mussels, along with offering potential solutions for protecting Virginia's rivers ...
Lists several diseases and insects of different tree types
Describes (with supplementing pictures) the Anthracnose fungus that plagues Acacia trees and its management and prevention
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